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Contact Us
601 Cypress Ave #404
Hermosa Beach, CA
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Gov and Wholesale
Please send request for quotes or purchase orders to sales@upgradeenergytech.com
US 889 PDF Link: Link
NAICS Code: 335911
Lead Time and Shipping Information
Can We Ship to Your Country?
Probably so! The list of countries we cannot ship to are listed on the "Dangerous Goods Delivery: No" on this list: FedEx Link
What is the Typical Lead Time?
Typical lead times are 3-4 days for less than 6 items, more than 6 items may require 1-2 weeks. Items are often made to order
​Can I expedite my order?
Yes, during checkout, you may select a faster shipping option
Warranty and Return Policy
Warranty: We have a 3 month warranty policy which covers defects
Exchange policy: We have a 2 week exchange policy which allows for the exchange of a product for another with a reduced 10% restocking fee
Return policy: We have a 2 week return policy. There is a 25% restocking fee covering inspection and evaluation of returned products
How to Return: Please put order number in package and ship to:
Attn: Returns
Upgrade Energy
601 Cypress Ave #404
Hermosa Beach, CA, 90254